Love said there are fashionable men [watches]

Love said there are fashionable men

Love said there are fashionable men in Pittsburgh and that, sometimes, you have to be bold and secure with yourself to wear trendy fashions you see in New York and Los Angeles.

"Sometimes, Pittsburgh gets fashion late, so a guy has to be willing to try something that he might not see other men in Pittsburgh wearing," Love said. "Fashion is like music. I am a DJ, and, if I play a song I heard in LA or New York and people haven't heard it here, they will ask me to change the song. Once the song reaches Pittsburgh, then they will tell me to play it."

One man who is ahead of the fashion curve for men is former University of Pittsburgh basketball star and men's basketball broadcaster Curtis Aiken, who was at the opening night, standing-room-only show Monday and planned to attend Tuesday night's event.

"I love fashion, and it is becoming a passion of mine," Aiken said. "I admire people who respect fashion. It felt like New York in that tent (Monday night). It was a beautiful and fashionable night. I work Downtown, and I see a lot of great fashion."
Aiken says Pittsburgh Fashion Week is opening some eyes in Pittsburgh to fashion, and that having a men's-only show is wonderful.

"Women, of course, are ahead of the curve when it comes to fashion," Aiken said. "Women have always been the ones to introduce fashion to their husbands and boyfriends and brothers, but we are going to sneak up on the women, because there are so many great fashions for men. Men just have to be open-minded to try new things."

Models and twins Brian and Shawn Chrisagis, 43, of Yorkville, Ohio, heard about the show through a talent agency.
"We are thrilled to be here," Brian Chrisagis said. "Men should be more conscious of how they look, even if they are married. We want to look good. It's not about vanity. Our bodies are temples, and we should look good."

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by 柴田直美 (2011-09-28 11:23) 



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